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Разработчик MOVISAFE Latin America

Receive notifications of security incidents based on your choices and localization. You choose the types of alerts and the zones to be covered. Feel safe in Rio de Janeiro.

Movi ALERT is the only application that sends you alerts based on your actual location. Movisafe America Latina has developed Movi ALERT for its clients based in Brazil with the objective to have them better informed about security issues close to them.

It offers the following features:

Selection of types of notifications: Accident, Shooting, Police Operation, Demonstration, Interdiction, Looting, Storm, Police chase;
Selection of Zones: Cities, Zones, Neighborhoods corresponding to your place of residence, work and itineraries;
Coverage by geolocation: notification/notice/alert of all incidents within 4,2km radius of your position;
Different security level: Low, Medium, High;
Localization of incident on the map;
Visualization of “heat security map” for risk analysis per neighborhood covering the last 7, 30 or 90 days
Push notifications based on your settings;
Bilingual Portuguese and English;
All alerts are checked from multiple sources in real time
Coverage 24h/7 – State of Rio de janeiro / Brazil